The Suffolk Swords at the 31st/9th Ipswich Scout Group

Two of our group donned full harness and set forth to give battle at a local scout group.

The 31st/9th Ipswich Scout Group is based near the centre of Ipswich and we had been asked to come along after we had appeared at another scout group recently.

As well as a couple of one on one sparring demos, they also talked about the armour, weapons and battles from the 15th century. They also let the group try out a few of the weapons (under VERY close supervision!) and try on some of the armour. Gloves got called a bit smelly, but helmets and maille were all worn, with plenty of exclamations of how heavy it was.

At the end of the evening, the kids had all had a lot of fun shouting for their favourite knight in battle and booing the other side.

If you’d like to have us come along to a school event, a club evening or any other kind of show, please get in touch. We’re more than happy to have a chat about our interest and have an excuse for some armoured fighting.

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