We are a 15th-century reenactment group based in the historic town of Ipswich and have members from all over Suffolk, Norfolk, and Essex.
We have taken part in a large number of national reenactment battles, local country shows, and other events where armoured medieval knights are needed for combat displays. Our living history encampment at events includes activities such as arming the knight, armoured combat, archery, and cooking.
Join us and experience the thrill of medieval combat!
We offer safe and fun training for all levels of experience. Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned warrior, we have something for you. We use weighted plastic training weapons and light armor at first, and then move on to blunt metal weapons and medieval-style metal armour.
We are a friendly and welcoming group. We love to meet new people and share our passion for medieval history and culture.

We are primarily a “Men-at-Arms” (MAA) group, meaning we are heavily armoured knights and soldiers who fight at close quarters on foot. We focus on safe training while having fun. We start with weighted plastic training weapons and light armour and then move on to blunt metal weapons and medieval-style metal armour.
You can find us on Facebook and Twitter for more information about upcoming events and training.
And be sure to check out our gallery page to see some of the training and events we have taken part in.
We hope to see you at one of our events soon!