Happy New Year everyone, we hope 2023 brings you more swords than you know what to do with. Which is a silly thing because you can never have enough swords.
So what does 2023 look like for the Suffolk Swords?
Well, we have some events lined up already including a couple of regular ones and we have a new one on the cards which will be great. The main news we want to tell everyone about today is that we are going to be raising money for the Be Lucky Anti Crime Foundation, a local charity that is installing bleed boxes around the area.
The way we will be raising money is by doing a sponsored 5k park run around Easter time… …in armour.

One member of our group already has done a number of runs in full harness, so it should be possible but a lot of training will be needed to get ready.
We will be posting updates as we go and a link to donate, but in the meantime, it’s back to celebrating the New Year.